Healing Citrus Allergy

When I was 6 months old I was diagnosed with Herpes Complex C. Shortly thereafter, I could not eat any citrus, especially oranges, without have a breakout in my mouth. By the time I was in my mid-twenties, if I ate too much lemon - I would go into anaphylactic shock. Symptoms included depression after eating citrus, sores in my mouth and digestive tract, tightening in throat, burning sensation in the throat, cravings for more citrus, body-wide inflammation (esp around the eyes), bowel movement issues, and inflammation that persisted for 1 week.

Couple things I’ve learned about Citrus Allergy:

  • Allergies are energetic, find what is causing the trigger and change it

  • Citrus allergy is not just physical, it is mental, emotional and spiritual, I had to address all 3 to resolve my response

  • Emotions of lower vibration tell the immune and digestive systems how to behave

  • Enzymes, peptide, hydrochloric acid and proteins play a role in the immune response

  • Chemicals, parasites, radiation contribute to your body having an over-stimulated immune response

  • Allergy responses decrease as you reduce inflammation

  • Vaccines contributed to my allergies (I believe the mercury and animal RNA/DNA is the issue)

My specific emotions that are an alignment with allergy to citrus:

  • Hate

  • Overwhelmed

  • Anger

  • Joyless

  • Jovial

  • Happy

Here are the products, methods, and tools I am using to heal myself of citrus allergies naturally. I am a biofeedback practitioner, so I use BioScan and muscle-testing to find remedies that I need.

Spiritual/Emotional Healing & Exercise:

  • Dreamwork has been key. I have had dream symbols of: a remote island getaway, beautiful white cat with clear blue eyes, butterflies, cleaning maids, feeling annoyance and wanting to get away, stealing clothes…all these dream symbols helped me understand myself deeper. Dreammoods.com is a great resource.

  • Breathe with Sandy on Youtube, doing breathwork daily for 15-20 minutes followed by 5 minutes of meditation

  • Yoga for a Happy Heart: YIN YOGA FOR A HAPPY HEART I worked my way through the whole chakra series, doing 1 video per day. The heart chakra seemed the most effective.

  • I cut people out of my life that caused me stress or any upset emotions

  • I focused on anger and cutting out any habits that fed my anger, this included blocking myself from social media. Journaling a mind map is helpful in resolving ongoing repetitive emotions or thoughts.

Diet Changes:

  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger per day for 4 weeks (to reduce inflammation), mostly in the form of tea or I would make capsules with fresh chopped ginger

  • Ingesting tea at night before bedtime that is ‘soothing’ such as lavender, chamomile, ginger, etc.

  • I reduced red meat drastically, only consuming once per week

  • Increasing vegetable intake

  • No sugar unless it was from fruit

  • No gluten, dairy, chocolate, or junk food

  • I focused on eating proper meals instead of snacks

  • I cut out smoking weed and alcohol

Physical Remedies:

Emotional Remedies:

  • Bach Rescue Remedy Taken daily for 4 weeks and then day of exposure to citrus, 10 or more drops at a time

BioScan Frequencies:

Color as a remedy came up so I created a tincture with these colors that tested as balancing for citrus allergy, reddish orange, beige, scarlet 547/510R TTPS, and white CV.

I hope you find this useful and you have great success on your healing journey.


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