DesBio BART:SSR (Bartonella Series Symptom Relief Kit)


Homeopathic Indications: BART:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Bartonella (Lyme Disease) including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise.

We recommend two Kits for the basic series protocol. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different dilution of the deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address. The vials are taken in series, ascending order (1 – 10) for the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in order (10 -1) for the second 30 days.

In order to purchase this product, Des Bio requires a practitioner consult. Upon purchase, you will be emailed and given a free consult by Mind Body Soul Massage + Wellness before item is shipped. If a customer misses the consult or cannot comply, a refund will be issued.

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Homeopathic Indications: BART:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Bartonella (Lyme Disease) including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise.

We recommend two Kits for the basic series protocol. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different dilution of the deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address. The vials are taken in series, ascending order (1 – 10) for the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in order (10 -1) for the second 30 days.

In order to purchase this product, Des Bio requires a practitioner consult. Upon purchase, you will be emailed and given a free consult by Mind Body Soul Massage + Wellness before item is shipped. If a customer misses the consult or cannot comply, a refund will be issued.

Homeopathic Indications: BART:SSR is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Bartonella (Lyme Disease) including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise.

We recommend two Kits for the basic series protocol. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different dilution of the deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address. The vials are taken in series, ascending order (1 – 10) for the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in order (10 -1) for the second 30 days.

In order to purchase this product, Des Bio requires a practitioner consult. Upon purchase, you will be emailed and given a free consult by Mind Body Soul Massage + Wellness before item is shipped. If a customer misses the consult or cannot comply, a refund will be issued.


Adults take one vial orally every third day in succession or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


  • Bartonella Bacilliformis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Clarridgeiae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Elizabethae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Henselae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Quintana (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Vinsonii (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

  • Bartonella Washoensis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X)

These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practices. They have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

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